by | Dec, 2020


Colour time! Did you get your socks ready to shine? Did you know that I’m a psychofan of socks? I hope your hairy legs are ready for winter, even though I doubt anything like winter still exists.

I’ll share a short story about this embroidery. Once upon a time, I shaved my left leg, but as I tend to be flooded by thoughts, for some strange reason, I forgot to shave the other one. I started to enjoy this discrepancy and to observe how one side chases another one. You may think it’s absurd, but the lack of visual balance and some sort of process of getting in hairy balance again, became a poetic image. At first, I thought I’m going to use it for a photograph, but in the end, I came up with this embroidery as a small memory stamp for myself.

Anyways, drawing was never really my thing, because I kept on hearing how bad I am at this. I didn’t feel hurt, no, no, no, I just believed that skill drawing is the only thing that counts and I’m not that gifted. I don’t know why I remember it so well, but once I had to draw with a pencil a vegetable or a fruit for a school assignment. Don’t ask me why, but I chose a cucumber. I guess I thought its shape is so easy, I will manage. My cucumber won the competition of getting one of the worst marks in the class. I tell you, this cucumber was hilarious. So bad! I’ll tell you another time, why I came back to drawing.

This drawing is now available in form of the embroidery in my shop and it is a self-portrait.

Written by Monika

I am an artist who uses photography, embroidery and writing as my main visual language. Please, note, I am not a native English speaker, so I might be writing some Quatsch (as Germans would call it).



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